Edward Kimberley, runner-up for Labour in Gorse Hill city council election
Edward Kimberley, runner-up for Labour in Gorse Hill city council election

An ambitious young candidate for Worcester City Council represented Worcester at the Labour Party’s annual conference this week, and returned sensing a sea change in the
country’s politics. Edward Kimberley, runner-up in local elections for Gorse Hill in 2022, spent time discussing the city with senior Labour politicians, as well as voting to ensure the
city’s needs are represented within the next Labour party manifesto.
Edward has been canvassing in Gorse Hill constantly in the months since the election, and has an acute understanding of the area’s housing needs. He discussed these with Pat
McFadden, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury.

I talked to [Pat] about the case of a mum who has resorted to hiring a solicitor because she’s been waiting so long for a repair to her disabled son’s wash room. I told him the story of another Tolladine resident who’s afraid to answer her door because she’s been attacked by an arsonist, and the fire damage has still not been repaired. Pat was understandably appalled, and he explained that Labour has a plan to rebuild public services at the local level – which may well involve taking social housing back into public ownership. Based on feedback we’ve had from members of the public in the days since Conference, the electorate is crying out for what Labour is offering.

Beyond his main passion of social housing, Edward was also on the lookout for policies on home ownership, environment and health, and was pleased with what he heard.
“A key policy pledge is to restore the top rate of income tax for the uber-wealthy (those earning over £130K per year) – and using that money to restore frontline NHS services. Anybody who’s seen the queue of ambulances outside Worcester Royal lately will understand exactly why this matters. I was also pleased to hear that Labour has a plan to prosecute the executives of water companies that illegally dump sewage into our rivers and waterways. Finally, one that really excites me is that Labour is pledging a comprehensive plan to help people like me become homeowners. I’m a student myself, and like many other students, I now live at home with my parents, because I can’t afford to do
otherwise. Labour’s plan gives me real hope that one day I may have a home of my own.”
With Labour leading in the polls after Liz Truss’s disastrous mini budget, Edward is more concerned with the state of the country.

The news about Labour’s massive poll lead was just emerging as Conference week kicked off. I won’t pretend that we don’t like being in first place, but it’s hard to celebrate when it’s a result of the Tories causing measurable harm to ordinary people’s lives. The pound was tumbling in value even as we talked about it, and while I am very much looking forward to the next Labour government, part of me can’t help but feel apprehensive for what kind of a mess will be waiting for Keir Starmer once he takes office as our next Prime Minister.”

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